[ NODE_SPLITTER      ]       
      |                    |       
IN00--| SIGNAL      SIGNAL |--OUT00
      |                    |       

this node stores an incoming signal block in a buffer for later use. it is one of the few nodes that allows to connect multiply inputs to its output.

 * this example demonstrates how to use the splitter node to store a signal and allow multiple nodes to connect to the
 * splitter’s output channel.
 * in contrast to other node-based systems it is not allowed ( or at least not recommended ) in *Klang* to connect
 * multiple nodes to an output channel of an upstream node. if this functionality is needed, the splitter node is
 * a good choice. its only purpose is to store a signal from its intput and deliver it to multiple node connected
 * to its output.

#include "Klangstrom.h"
#include "KlangNodes.hpp"

using namespace klang;
using namespace klangstrom;

NodeDAC          mDAC;
NodeVCOWavetable mOsc;
NodeVCFMoogLHBP  mFilter;
NodeSplitter     mSplitter;

void setup() {
    Klang::connect(mOsc, mSplitter);
    Klang::connect(mSplitter, mFilter);
    Klang::connect(mFilter, Node::CH_OUT_SIGNAL, mDAC, NodeDAC::CH_IN_SIGNAL_LEFT);
    Klang::connect(mSplitter, Node::CH_OUT_SIGNAL, mDAC, NodeDAC::CH_IN_SIGNAL_RIGHT);

    mOsc.set_frequency(DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 2);


void loop() {}

void audioblock(float** input_signal, float** output_signal) {
    mDAC.process_frame(output_signal[LEFT], output_signal[RIGHT]);

void event_receive(const EVENT_TYPE event, const void* data) {
    if (event == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED) {
        mFilter.set_cutoff_Hz(mouse_event(data).x * 22050.0);
        mFilter.set_resonance(mouse_event(data).y * 1.0);
        mOsc.set_frequency(DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 2 + DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * mouse_event(data).x);

Source Code
