begin by installing Arduino (v1.8.19+).

the easiest and fastest way to install the lastest Klangstrom release is to open the Arduino preferences under Ardunio > Preferences… and then add to Additional Boards Manager URLs: the following URLs ( separated by , ):

  • ( for boards )
  • ( for simulator )

the boards can then be installed by navigating to Tools > Board: … > Boards Manager… and searching for Klangstrom. two version should appear where one is for the Klangstrom boards and the other installs the desktop simulator.

Install Development Versions

alternatively a local development version can be installed by following the steps below:

  • install STM32CubeProgrammer (v2.11.0+)
  • install STM32duino via Arduino Board Manager ( see STM32duino / Getting Started for detailed instructions ) (v2.3.0+)
  • on macOS if Xcode is not installed, it might be necessary to install the clang/clang++ compiler. in order to do so, open Terminal application ( located in Applications > Utilities ) and run xcode-select --install
  • download + unpack current snapshot or clone repository. ( note, an unstable development version is available in a private repository by invitation only. )
  • rename folder to klangstrom
  • move klangstrom folder to the Arduino’s hardware folder ( e.g on macOS {$HOME}/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ )
  • (re)start Arduino

Default Location of hardware Folder on macOS and Windows

the hardware is located in the same folder as the library folder and the sketches. on macOS and Windows it is organized as follows:

    └── Documents
        └── Arduino
            ├── hardware
            │   └── klangstrom
            └── libraries
                 └── ...

on Linux it is, depending on the installation, e.g organized as follows:

    └── Arduino
        ├── hardware
        │   └── klangstrom
        └── libraries
             └── ...

examples for the HOME placeholder can be e.g /home/example_user on Linux or /Users/example_user on macOS.

Simulator on Windows + Linux

the simulator currently only works reliably macOS. it is not working on Windows yet. on Linux systems it should work ( tested under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ). in case of failure it sometimes works to install the SDL library via apt with sudo apt install libsdl2-dev.

Installing STM32CubeProgrammer on macOS

occasionally the STM32CubeProgrammer installer application fails to start properly. below is a set of instructions that show how to run the installer from the command line.

  • download most recent version of STM32CubeProgrammer from ( e.g version 2.11.0 )
  • unzip downloaded file in download folder ( e.g )
  • open command line interface (CLI) ( e.g to use go to Finder, open Utilities folder via menu ( Go > Utilities ) or by pressing CMD+SHIFT+U, and start )
  • run installer from CLI ( e.g ~/Downloads/en.stm32cubeprg-mac_v2-11-0/ )